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Lee Young In 이영인

Lee Young In makes the visible and the invisible coexist in his paintings through a hyperrealistic painting. After studying the subject of the tree and more particularly the pine tree, Lee Young In found similarities with human in the subject of stone.
In these almost perfectly smooth and round stones, one can find as many forms and variations as those of human beings. With time, its shape, color, and beauty, that both of them treasured, change and fade.
And the stone, like man, carries with it the history of the earth and keeps in it the traces of time. Composed of the purest natural elements, the stone emerges from the ground, carrying in it the earth.
But in Lee Young’s painting, the stone is not the only interesting subject. The importance of the presence of a shadow worn for each stone delicately suggests the presence of light.

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 경기 대학교 미술학과 서양화 졸업 

몽펠리에 시립 미술학교, 회화전공 


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​단체전 (group show selection)

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