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Kwak Soo Young 곽수영

Born in Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do in 1954, Kwak Soo-young graduated from the Department of Painting at Hongik University and moved to France in the mid-1980s, where he earned a master's degree in plastic arts from the Sorbonne VIII in Paris. Since then, Kwak Soo-young has mainly worked in the suburbs of Paris, and has made his name known as the 'Korean Artist of the Year' by the French Cultural Center. He also established the Paris Pine Tree Society, an association of artists living in France, and opened a joint creative atelier, thereby establishing the roots of Korean art in France. contributed to bringing it down. Since his visit to France, Sooyoung Kwak has presented his unique world of painting on various international stages, including Paris and New York. In particular, he has received attention for his work method of creating lines and shapes by scraping or peeling off matière, which is made up of several layers of paint, with a steel pencil. Since 2018, he has been actively working in Korea as a resident artist at Gana Atelier Jangheung.



1987            파리소르본8대학조형미술학석사

1980            홍익대학교미술대학회화과졸업

​개인전 ( solo show )

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단체전 ( group show )

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